Yesterday, I got my Maya assignment result. I got A! Actually I now understand why my 3D teacher, Erwin teaches differently than other teachers. He actually treats us as those who work at real 3D firms then giving us false hope. He leaving us today and I wished him all the best. Today, I did my Oral Communication and I really tried my best to give a good speech. Well I got 69/100 for it. I want to do better next time. I saw my classmates did their speech and I really learned a lot from them. I think my command of English getting better. Later that day, I found a laptop and a handphone at my campus. Actually I want to take them and use it for my own but my guilt will kill me so I in the end return them to the rightful owner. I also received an email from a girl thanking me for returning her thumbdrive. Today my class skip DVDE lesson but it was a bad move because that lesson tell us what we get for our DVDE assignment 1 result. Oh well. In the afternoon I went to arcade with my friends. Yippee I got a free Philips Juicer that cost $228 from my friend and I gave it to my mum. These few coming days, I might not be blogging due to all the incoming exams and assignments. So wished me all the best okay?

A drawing did by my buddy classmate friend, Clara. Examination and assigments can kill us! See more of her arts at deviantArts.
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