Last week was again busy for me. About everyday I was doing my school assignments. More assignments with each coming week. I not sure I can cope with it. OMG! Well I decided to colour my hair bright brown but in the end, my hair colour became dark red. WHAT! I don't what I have done wrong. Last Wednesday, Terence and I bumped into Jess and Ling. We ate at the new Japanese restaurant at Jurong Point. I order a chicken rice set which cost me $9.90. Well at least the food was not that bad. Then Friday after school, I watched Transformers, damn it was really good but I still like the old school version better. Then Saturday, I helped my school for the open house. I just stand at my booth and answer visitors queries regarding my course. Then after the open house, I immediately went to work at my friend place again. Last Saturday and Sunday, the people who patronage at my workplace keeping asking stupid questions and in the end never buy anything. I guess this is my last week working there until I done all my current assignments. Is this week going to be better?

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